Here is an example of how a progressive clothing company uses social media as a tool to connect and get insights from its target audience. A few months ago, I responded to a Facebook invitation to sign up for a free trial of the new woven Björn Borg boxers and all they are asking is for a feedback from wearing it. I got my pair a week ago and I was not disappointed with the product. First of all, the packaging is simple and direct while the copy reads wittiness. Secondly, I like the design because I love plaids (yes, even on my undies). Lastly, the boxer shorts has a front lining inside to keep your family jewels protected and comfortable unlike most shorts which offer no support.
Copy reads "Don't go nuts keep your balls in place". Need I say more.
Plaid is it!
There is even a contest where you can submit a photo of yourself wearing a pair and you can have a chance to become a Swedish Export (why Swedish? - go figure) of the week. I have to admit, the offer is tempting but I’ll pass – too shy.