Wednesday, May 26, 2010

“A Celebration of Cupcakes”

Manhattan Sojourn

Crumbs Bake Shop

Grand Central (43/44th)

Dizzying delights.

Pardon the appearance of the McDonald's coffee cup, it's mine.

Choc/Choc Frosted and Carrot

Dulce de Leche (too bad it's just seasonal) and Devil's Food - Yum!!!

Even if I have a sweet tooth, cupcakes have never been one of my favorite sugar fixes until I was smitten by Crumbs cupcakes. Is it because the base is not too sweet? My first encounter was with the Dulce de Leche flavor as it flirted with me with those topping of mouth-watering heavily sweetened milk caramel with crisscross of chocolate and caramel syrup with the chocolate flavored cupcake underneath – moist and soft. They had me on the first bite! Then there were more clandestine encounters with different flavors: Devil’s Food, Carrot, Tiramisu, Black Forest and the list goes on as I devour each one of them in reckless abandon. Never mind that a classic size carries an average of 320 calories, I will spend two hours in the treadmill.

It’s just too bad that Crumbs have no stores in Canada as they are only located in the East Coast (NY, NJ, CT) and the West Coast LA area. In hindsight, Crumbs should might as well stay put south of the border as I might not be able to control myself from eating those sinfully delightful cupcakes if they open in Toronto and I get diabetes. Crumbs cupcakes are few and far between indulgence that I look forward to eating whenever I visit NYC.

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